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Machinerie Luc Schryburt offers a wide range of products and services for your automated welding needs

Collaborative Robots, Welding robots, OTC, COBOT

Redefine automation with simplicity and efficiency by discovering the benefits of OTC collaborative robots.

robot soudeur, OTC, DAIHEN

Discover the OTC-DAIHEN welding robot range.

automatisation, soudure, soudage, robot

We offer robot cells, robot rails, tilt-turn positioners, headstock and tailstock positioners.

Soudeuses, OTC-DAIHEN

OTC-DAIHEN offers two series of welders, the POWER SOURCES series and the WELBEE series.

Camera vision system can locate deviations and make adjustments if need be.

soudure, résistance

Our resistance welding machines are reliable and economical!

Sanding, grinding, polishing

With the same robot you can grind, polish and sand on a wide range of metals.

Équipements, robots soudeurs, soudeuses, usagés

Discover our welding equipment and used robots.

Who are we?

Machinerie Luc Schryburt is the sole distributor of DAIHEN products in Quebec.

Specialized in automation, the company offers high-performance robots-welders, equipped with all the components necessary for the various needs of their users. Machinerie Luc Schryburt custom manufactures all of these components, installs the equipment and provides maintenance. 

It is therefore one of the few to deliver finished products that are highly safe and at prices more affordable than those on the market!

Why choose us?

Made to measure

Our welding robots can be offered as standard, but also equipped with all the elements that your job requires. Cameras, rails, safety cells, welding jigs and more are manufactured and integrated by us. You can therefore be sure that you are getting a product that exactly suits your needs and is effective from the moment it’s installed.

Affordable prices

Because Machinerie Luc Schryburt manufactures and installs additional parts to welding robots itself, it’s production costs are reduced as are yours. The engineering process is also carried out internally, which decreases once again your bill.

Ease of use

Automation products supplied by Machinerie Luc Schryburt come from a single manufacturer, Daihen. Thus, the components are designed to integrate with each other and work together. This makes it easier to use welding and cutting equipment, as well as learning how to operate machines and programming online and offline.

Increased productivity

Using welding robots and promoting automation can double, and even quadruple your productivity. This is a clearly worthwhile investment, which will allow you to lower your production costs and minimize the risk of costly mistakes.